PLUVIAL: 70 x 26 IN. Yoga Mat
PLUVIAL: 70 x 26 IN. Yoga Mat
Do we really need an excuse to take our shoes off and relax for a stretch? Luxuriate in your breathing, your poses on these 70 x 26 IN microfiber suede yoga mats. The edge-to-edge prints of Jennifer S. Levine's vibrant artwork, the anti-slip and impact resistant cushioning are the perfect combination to help you align, body and soul.
PLUVIAL: Acrylic on canvas, 1 x 3 FT.
Pluvial means of or relating to rain, rainy. The other evening the sky hung low, then that smell of cut grass filled the air. It began to rain. There’s something about the rain, the pattering on the roof, the standing puddles collecting drips and ripples, the occasional gusts of wind. And then, there’s the next day where everything is green and seems to have grown 3 feet while we slept. I love the rain. This piece was started that night and grew from there...